Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Visceral Response

This photograph shows the Red Hills Garden in Pioneer Park in St George, Utah. This photograph is art to me because it makes me feel peace, serenity, and makes me want to live there. 

The lines in the photograph are horizontal, which is meant to bring a feeling of peace and open space. 

The form in this picture shows a lot of geometric shapes in both natural and man-made form.  The plants, rocks, and water form both geometric and organic shapes. The man-made sidewalks are more geometric. the shapes make me feel interested in the garden.  

The color in this photograph is mild.  The background is dull so that more focus is on the garden. The colors in the front are brighter and warm, while the back is light and cool. The color makes me feel relaxed.  It isn't a strong, bright color but it is enough to draw me to the photograph.  It is very calming. 

The space here feels more positive. Most of the action takes up the whole picture. There isn't a lot of negative space. I enjoy that the positive space takes up most of the picture because it is not busy positive space. It is more focused on nature and the beauty that surrounds us.